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The Patrol: A British look at modern warfare – The Telegraph http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/film/10619335/The-Patrol-a-British-look-at-modern-warfare.html

Guerrilla Filmmaking. Director Tom Petch on the making of The Patrol’ – The FT http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/7c34379e-8749-11e3-9c5c-00144feab7de.html#axzz2s3wXkFsL

Director Tom Petch talks anti-war films and The Patrol – Flicks and the City http://flicksandthecity.com/the-patrol-interview-tom-petch/

Pick of the month, controversial combat - Soldier Magazine http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/9cf0a1bd#/9cf0a1bd/80

Tom Petch interview – Female First http://www.femalefirst.co.uk/movies/tom-petch-exclusive-interview-450103.html

Interview with Tom Petch – Raindance http://www.raindance.org/an-interview-with-tom-petch-on-the-release-of-the-patrol/

Top Ten Anti War Films – Raindance http://www.raindance.org/top-10-anti-war-films/

Welsh actor Owain Arthur to star in first Brit Afghan War movie – Wales Online http://www.walesonline.co.uk/whats-on/film-news/welsh-actor-owain-arthur-star-6334819


 Robert Elms, Tom Petch and film critic Jason Solomons- BBC London http://news.thepatrolfilm.com/post/78559740488

Richard Bacon, Tom Petch – Radio 5 Live http://news.thepatrolfilm.com/post/75889345543

John Humphrys, Kevin Powers (author of ‘Yellow Birds’), Tom Petch on BBC Today program http://news.thepatrolfilm.com/post/74488605618


Tom Petch on London Live

Afghan War Legacy Film wins at Festival – Sky News http://news.sky.com/story/1147447/afghan-war-legacy-film-wins-at-festival

George Alagaih, Tom Petch – BBC World News http://news.thepatrolfilm.com/post/63828461943


“First-time British writer-director Tom Petch makes a powerful impression with this tough, smart war movie on a shrewdly managed small scale” Peter Bradshaw, Guardian, 4 Star http://www.theguardian.com/film/2014/feb/06/the-patrol-review

“A former soldier's award-winning film about disillusioned troops in Afghanistan is impressive” Mark Kermode, Observer 3 Stars http://www.theguardian.com/film/2014/feb/09/the-patrol-mark-kermode-review

“Finally a British answer to the Hurt Locker, refreshingly sober and politically engaged” Simon Kinnear, Total Film, 3 star, http://www.totalfilm.com/reviews/cinema/the-patrol

“whatever your view on the war on Afghanistan, this movie offers an informative, gritty and engaging take on the issues” Victoria Bull, Hollywood News, 4 Stars http://www.thehollywoodnews.com/2014/02/07/patrol-review/

“This is an unsparing and occasionally bleak look at the frustrations of fighting an unwinnable war with inadequate gear” Empire, 3 Star: http://www.empireonline.com/reviews/review.asp?DVDID=119831

“Petch conjures an eerie atmosphere of distance, not just from the invisible enemy but from the supposed allies” Peter Young, FT, critic’s choice http://news.thepatrolfilm.com/post/83190078011

“a rough gem, capturing the volatile camaraderie of a serving unit cracking under a constant invisible threat” Empire, 4 star: http://news.thepatrolfilm.com/post/83808334282

“A beleaguered British Army patrol in Helmand start unravelling in this grimly engrossing, beautifully shot Afghan conflict drama” Metro http://news.thepatrolfilm.com/post/84414867404

“Directed by ex-Army Officer Tom Petch, this deeply troubling film looks at the war in Afghanistan” Rupert Hawksley, The Telegraph, 4 star: http://news.thepatrolfilm.com/post/84115906054

“In starkest contrast to Peter Berg's bombastic and bloody Lone Survivor (2013), ex-soldier Tom Petch's British offering, The Patrol (2013), is a far more meditative and thoughtful contribution to the War on Terror debate” Daniel Green, Cine-Vue, 3 star, http://www.cine-vue.com/2014/02/film-review-patrol.html

“This is an impressive feature-length debut from Petch for a number of reasons” HMV ‘The Patrol and 5 other war films’ http://www.hmv.com/video/the-patrol-and-5-other-modern-british-war-films

“Petch’s debut film raises many questions about the necessity of the British involvement in the Afghanistan war, but he is careful to never insult or deny the bravery of the troops.” Iona Thomas, The Upcoming 4 star http://www.theupcoming.co.uk/2014/01/21/the-patrol-movie-review/

“excellent perfomances from a strong, well picked cast, and a well written dialogue and character-led script Tom Petch makes a really good job of this war drama” Derek Winnert, DW, http://derekwinnert.com/the-patrol-film-review/

“It’s a controversial war that everyone has strong opinions on… The Patrol touches on some these extremely significant questions” Priyanka Mogul, The London Film Review, 4 star, http://www.thelondonfilmreview.com/film-review/review-patrol/